About the Bible:
We believe the Bible is God's word. It was written by his servants as separate scriptures and books, and later translated and compiled into what we now call the "Bible". We believe the Bible is "Incomplete" due to "church politics" and many books and scriptures were left out of the compilation known as the "Bible". These books are known as the "Apocrypha". We acknowledge these books and the Bible together as one. These books contain the foundation for Gods people, our laws, our history, and our future. These books are our ultimate source for truth, knowledge, and salvation under Jesus, through Jesus. For Jesus "is" the Truth, the Life, and the Way.
| John 14:6 | Luke 4:18 | Acts 26:18 | Gospel Of Thomas 1:38-39 |
| 2 Timothy 3:16 | 2 Peter 1:20-21 |
About God:
We believe in "One God" the "True God", the "Father Almighty" creator of heaven and earth and all things visible and invisible.
| Genesis 1:1 | Genesis 1:26-28 | Isaiah 66:1-2 | Ephesians 3:9 | Isaiah 45:18 |
| Colossians 1:16 | 2 Enoch 24:1-5 |
About Jesus Christ:
Jesus is the "Son of God", his only son, our Lord. He was conceived through the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and lived a sinless life. He was crucified for the sins of all, he rose from the dead three days later and ascended into heaven. Jesus is the only path to GOD and to salvation. He is the redeemer of souls, the judge, the jury, and the executioner.
| John 14:6 | Hebrews 1:5 | Matthew 3:17 | John 1:14 | 1 John 4:10 | Matthew 28:5-6 |
| 2 Timothy 4:1 |
The Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit is part of the "Holy Trinity", The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. These are separate entities (overall), but at times may or may not be the same and/or combined.
| John 14:10 | Romans 15:13 | John 14:26 | Romans 5:5 | Matthew 28:19-20 |
| 2 Corinthians 13:14 |
About Salvation:
To be saved one must first be baptized, they must accept Jesus as the son of God, the only son, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, who was crucified for the sins of all. They must accept that Jesus is the "Only" path to "God" and salvation. Jesus is the judge, jury, and the executioner. Accepting Jesus and believing is not enough. They must pick up their cross and carry it as the Lord did / does. They must obey "Gods" law, they must focus on "self-improvement" and "serving" to be able to perform the necessary "works". They must accept persecution and view persecution not as a curse, but as an opportunity for growth and spiritual development.
| The Gospel Of Thomas 1:68-69 | Gospel Of Thomas 1:55 | Ephesians 2:8-13 |
| Matthew 18:2-3 | Mark 13:34-37 | John 3:16 | Romans 10:10 | Mark 16:16 |
Statement Of Faith